Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I did it.

I have a confession to make.....

I purged for the first time.  Ever.  I was having such a good day, just an apple for breakfast and no lunch (I even hung out with Almond Boy today!), but then dinner came around....and I wouldn't say I binged, because that scares me so fucking badly, but I ate more than I was intending to.  And so I came back to my dorm and I forced myself to throw it up.  I've never done that before.  I've always been so good at the restricting, I never felt like I needed to purge, and when I did, I could never actually get myself to throw up.  But I did tonight and...well, it felt shitty, but it also felt good.  I'm all empty now, and I think I did it soon enough that I didn't absorb too many calories from dinner.

I want to talk to W.  But I shouldn't.  I can't.  But I need to talk to someone, not so they can convince me to stop, but so that I! I just need to vocalize what's going on right now, and maybe that will make me feel less out of control.  I don't know.


  1. You can email me if you want & say whatever you need to. Anytime.

    Lots of love beautiful x x

  2. Try not to purge again :( It really does so much damage >< Maybe try making out a meal plan for the week and stick to that? I've only purged a few times, and it does make you feel quite ill afterwards :( Hope your looking after yourself <3
