Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thank you

I can always count on you guys to leave the sweetest comments.  I was really in bad shape last night, in general, and then getting stranded pushed me over the edge and I had a bit of a meltdown.

But not to worry, my parents wired me some money and I got to stay at a nice hotel last night, read my book, take a long shower, and then sleep somewhere other than the airport terminal.  I'm back here this morning, and getting on a flight in about half an hour.

I have so much to do when I get back to school.  I start classes right away on Monday, and I'm feeling a little crazed and unprepared.  I have so much reading I feel like I should have done, so much organizing in my room to do....I have to go shopping because I am completely out of everything.  I'm not even going to be able to take a shower until I get the shopping done because I need to buy shampoo and conditioner.

These are all household-y things though, which I enjoy doing.  They distract me from other things (like eating).

On a different note....I hope my bags are still at my final destination.  They had almost all of my worldly possessions in them.  I guess we'll see.

Had a bottle of water and some aloe juice (60 calories) for breakfast.  I figure a liquid fast is just what I need to get my semester kicked off.

I hope you all are doing well.  I meant to leave comments yesterday while I was stuck in the terminal, but the internet wasn't working.  I'm going back and leaving them today.  Love you all! Thanks again for the words of comfort.  Oh! And since I don't ever receive an insane amount of comments, I think I'm going to start having a comments response section of my posts occasionally, at the end.  So here goes:

Depressed Skinny Mess- You're wonderful, dear, when I read that I just took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and began to calm down xoxo
stillimagining- Thank you, after an evening of having airport officials tell me it was my fault that me and 15 other passengers had missed our flight, I needed to hear that <3
Just Me- What happened was the gate agent didn't call boarding, so the only people who made it on the plane were pre-boarders.  There were about 15 of us just waiting at the gate, and the plane left without us.  So I was going to have to sleep at the airport.  But I got booked on another flight this morning, so hopefully the rest of my trip runs smoothly.  I'm tired, but feeling better this morning than I did in the sheer panicked state I was in last night <3


  1. Oh wow, glad everything worked okay! Getting back to school is always so busy - hope you can find time to get everything sorted that you need too without it getting overwhelming; I know it can be a pretty stressful time! Lots of love beautiful ♥ x

  2. Glad everything worked out darling. Hope you have a great day and good luck with the liquid fast ( I'm starting one tomorrow) and I know what you mean. Distractions like that I find are the best way to avoid eating or mindlessly snacking.

  3. Glad everything went ok! :) When you go shopping, treat yourself to something :D You deserve it after that stress! xx

  4. Missing flights is just no fun. I got stranded in Amsterdam on my way to manchester England and the only way I managed to get some sympathy with the airline people was because I could speak French to the 6 year old who also missed her flight... And helped her get in touch with her parents.
    Good luck on the liquid fast! The beginning of the semester always helps motivate! Stay strong and thin girlie!!
