Thursday, February 9, 2012


Thank you Astra, for your advice.  I think I am going to go to the appointment tomorrow.  I think it will be best for everyone...if I stay on my friends' good side, and they think I'm going to see someone about this....stuff, then I think I am going to have a little bit more freedom.

I don't even want to talk about my intake today.  It was horrible.  And I'm so sick so I haven't been able to do anything except lay in bed.  My nightstand has three empty boxes of tissues, and almost two empty bottles of NyQuil.  Although the part of my illness where I have no appetite hit me this evening, so all I had for dinner was some water.  What a relief, after the crap I've been eating these past couple of days....I've been trying to talk to my friend about it, because I have been going absolutely crazy with no outlet (because they took my razor blades), so I just needed to VENT to someone, but I'm horrible at bringing this stuff up and so I've just been stuffing it and I haven't been posting here as much as I should and I feel like I'm about to explode!!!!

I'm depressed and angry and scared and anxious and I just want it to stop.  Just STOP.

But what would I do without the madness?

Just something to think about.... Stay strong loves.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad your friends are looking out for you. And I'm pleased you're keeping the appointment - I hope it goes well.

    Much love beautiful girl <3 x x
