Thursday, January 5, 2012

Been Away Too Long

I've had some catching up to do on all of your blogs.  So much has happened, and I'm so sorry for being away and not available to give you whatever words of comfort I could.

I've started doing an eating thing where I drink a 100 calorie meal replacement in the morning, I have a hard boiled egg-white in the afternoon, and then an apple at dinner.  I was reading Kim's posts yesterday (I'm so glad she's back....if you don't follow her, do it.  She's one of my favorite angels on here), and she apparently found some calorie free peanut butter, caramel, and other various spreads.  I'll try to hunt down the brand and post it on here, that could be a lifesaver for me once I got back to school.

I hate being home for the holidays.  It just makes me fat and depressed.  This year has been worse than usual because my family is living in a tiny apartment in San Francisco, so everyone is just jumping down each other's throats.  I think my sister has started going on proana tumblr blogs for thinspiration, which scares me.  She's always had some Mia tendencies, but I'm afraid it could flare up into a full on disorder if she keeps looking at them.  I know that isn't exactly how it works, she's not a wannorexic, but looking at the posts and the pictures I fear will have something click in her brain and her stubborn side will say "Let's see if I can push those limits, just because I can."  That's just how she is.  I've been showing her some of the girls on tumblr that are in recovery, who post the healthy stuff, so hopefully she'll stay there and won't stray into the darker corners.

Anyways, I'm considering making a twitter account as a sort of branch from this main blog.  It'll be more daily intake and weight, maybe some other things.  Fewer rants, because it's harder to do that with only 140 characters.  What do you guys think? Would you follow it?

So good to be back, you are all so beautiful and strong.  Together we can do this <3


  1. What if your sister was reading your own tumblr? Would you steer her away, thinking it's okay for you but not for her?
    You love & fear for your sister just as you yourself are loved and feared for yourself. Your sister is valuable and beautiful, yes, and so are you.

    Being home for the holidays can definitely be really hard. Will you be back at school soon (if you're not already)?

    Lots of love x x x

  2. *waves back* The 0 calorie stuff is Walden Farms. I honestly can't decide if the peanut butter tastes good or just weird....

  3. I would follow your twitter :) So glad your back! Sounds like your doing very well :) I've missed you!! Am worried about your sister too though...keep an eye on her.. xx
