Monday, October 10, 2011

He didn't come on Saturday.  Almond Boy, that is.  He texted me and said he was sick, so he couldn't go.  I saw him the next day, and I hate to say this but I was really happy to see him looking like shit.  I mean, I obviously felt really bad for him, but when he texted me the night before, I thought that he was just coming up with some bullshit excuse not to go.  But since he was actually sick, I felt a little better....does that make me a horrible person?

Other shenanigans went down on saturday as well.  I got pretty drunk and I was careless about my cuts and my friend saw them (and of course HE was sober) and he asked me what they were and I said "nothing" but obviously he knew.  And then there reached a point where I started counting how many calories were in the alcohol that I had just consumed, and he was just like "Is there something you need to tell me? I'm here for you, whatever you need..." and I basically just spilled my entire history of everything.  I've only known the guy for like a month and a half, and he helped me out like a trooper, just hugging me and telling me that he was there for me.

And then today, my two other friends saw that whole breakdown and they pulled me aside and were like "We're your friends through good times and bad times.  We just want you to know that we're here for you." So, somehow, after a weekend of drinking and loose tongues, I managed to go from having no one at college knowing about my history, to almost all of my new friends knowing.  It was nice to know that they are all here for me, but it's going to make the rest of this ABC thing harder....we'll see.

Today was a 400 calorie day.  Tomorrow is 500 calories, and then Wednesday is a fast, my first one of the diet.  So far I've been coasting, but I know that the days will get harder now.  Wish me luck.

I love you guys <3


  1. I'm so glad you have people there for you x x

  2. All I can say is that you picked some real good friends! Glad you have some people physically there with you that you can hopefully feel safe with.

    Also, I don't think wanting him to actually have been sick makes you a bad person at all. It totally makes sense that you'd hoped he'd been honest with you and him looking like shit just happened to be that confirmation:D
