Monday, June 4, 2012


I did half hour of cardio this morning, and then a shit-ton of abs work.  I wish I could have done more, but I needed to get to work.  Maybe when I get home I'll go for that 6 mile walk down to the beach or something when I get's raining today, and I love walking in the rain.

Didn't eat breakfast.  As soon as I got to work I had three shots of espresso, and now I'm working on a nonfat Chai.  I'm hoping to have just Diet Coke at lunch, but I might have a little bit of the chicken noodle soup that I brought....I'll just strain it and only have the broth and veggies, no chicken or noodles.  Genius.

I'm feeling powerful today, like I can actually make it through the day and lose some weight in the process.  I don't know if it's my meds or what that's making me feel good, but I hope it lasts.  Probably won't, so I'll enjoy it while I can.

Stay strong my dears <3


  1. That's wonderful you're feeling so positive today. And sounds like you're doing well with food. Keep up the good work and stay beautiful.

  2. Take care of yourself beautiful girl.

    Love x x

  3. Its good you're getting into the swing of exercise :) Sounds like you are doing well! Keep it up beautiful xx

  4. Thank you so much for your lovely comment the other day, it really helped. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling powerful today, that's always a lovely feeling. You are amazing and can do anything.
