Monday, October 24, 2011

Mylo Xyloto

Intake today:
Rice cake- 35 calories
Salad- 280 calories
Muffin- 120 calories
Water, water, more water
Diet coke

Simple post today, lovelies.  The newest Coldplay album was released today, so I'm going to go listen to it to distract myself from the knife sitting on my desk.  Love you all.


  1. Fantastic intake :) Be happy about that! Try not to cut <3

  2. Good idea on the distraction. What's the album like? Love love x x

  3. oooooo coldplay - do you like birdy? she's got a cd released in early nov, I cant wait. well done for today's intake, litte starshine xxx

  4. crazy good intake girl! glad you like my blog :-) i love the wish you were here album too. so sad but amazingness.
    i am going to do the exercises too! i try to do 1000 of them. combined... sometimes more if i am feeling super fat.
