Saturday, May 7, 2011

Work in Progress.

Having troubles eating.  It's really scary to sit down and eat a "healthy" meal.  I'm really trying, I truly want to get better.  Right now I feel like I'm scaling the side of a cliff, my hands are barely holding the rocks with scrapes and cuts all over.  It would be so much easier to just push off the side and fall down......but I won't.  I can't.  I've come this far.  I can see the sharp rocks below growing ever distant, and I think I see a hint of a grassy top up above me.  I will not stop.  I can do this.  I can, I can, I can.  No one said it would be easy.......

Thank you for the beautiful comments a couple of you left.  I love you girls so much.

This post is more of a pep-talk for me than anything else, sorry 'bout that.



  1. No need to apologise - I think it's great to have a written record of this so that if you do feel discouraged, you can look back on this and remind yourself of your amazing progress. You can do this - I believe in you.
    Loads of love & huge hugs x x x

  2. im sure you will make it... everybody has that feeling when it would be easier to give up but you will feel so happy when you reach the top of that clif and are able to stand on the grass annd feel it under your feet(: stay strong and carry on (:
