Saturday, January 29, 2011


Ouch. My head is hurting like a biznatch.  Yes, I did just say (actually, type) biznatch.  I'm that cool ;)

Intake today:
vegetable soup (130 calories, for breakfast)
black coffee (5 calories)
seaweed snacks (30 calories)
more water

Both of my parents are home so it'll be hard to skip dinner again...I'll eat as little as possible to get by.  I should still be under 500 calories for the day though, so that's good :)  How are you all doing?

I've been reading Wintergirls for about the billionth time.  I always stop before I get to the end, is that bad?  I'm thinking of getting Wasted by Marya Hornbacher....I heard it's good.  Have you guys read it? If you have, tell me what you think, I'd love to hear your opinions...

Let me hear your voices.

Stay strong <3

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Three little words...

Must. Not. Eat.
Must. Not. Eat.
Must. Not. Eat.

Today's damage:
Earl Grey Tea
one rice cake with hot sauce

maybe I can "feel sick" and get out of eating dinner....

Stay strong, dear ones <3

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Sooooooo I'm in a good mood today :) I'm going for a run here in a few minutes, and it is a beautiful, sunny day here in California.

I have a stupid Calculus quiz that I have to study for when I get back, but I'm not going to let that darken my mood right now. Maybe later, when I'm actually doing it, I can feel sullen and annoyed ;)

Love you all, I hope your guys' days are at least as good as mine has been <3

Intake today:
1/4 cup of Kashi cereal
Roasted Seaweed (sounds gross but it's actually really good.  Plus, and entire package is only 30 calories)
Diet Coke

Let me hear your voices.

Stay strong, little angels <3

Monday, January 24, 2011

Another post before I fade back into the darkness again...I'm trying to stay here, I promise...

Hello there :)

I just want to say that I am soooo sorry that I haven't been posting recently.  My family's computer broke, so now my desktop computer is the home desktop computer, so I have little to no privacy any more.  My dad or my mom is constantly looking over my shoulder, saying, "Are you done with the computer yet? I need to check something..." grrrrr.  As per usual, when I leave this little haven, the bigbadscary food demons come back.  I have been keeping the intake to 700 to 800 calories a day, but it's awful.  I'm not losing weight, and I haven't for a few weeks.  I hate hate hate it! Why am I such a failure?!?  I want to be thin.  I need to be thin.  I looked at myself in the mirror the other day and started crying at what I saw. I'm fat fat fat fat fat when all I want to be is a delicate little nymph.

Intake today....

  • 1/2 of a tofu scramble (190 calories)

  • 1 blood orange (70 calories)
  • Fage yogurt and raisins (228 calories....ouch)
  • Seaweed snacks (30 calories)
Dinner tonight is supposed to be stuffed peppers, but I'm going to skip and just drink some green tea..... I hate days like this.  Tomorrow is going to be no breakfast, no lunch, and only a little for dinner.  I'll drink a lot of water and tea all day, but nothing solid until dinner. I'm sticking to this plan.

I have been catching up on all of your recent updates, and I must say that you are inspiring little loves, did you know that? I love you all <3

So, recent news in my life....I was lamenting before how I wasn't going to be able to go to Russia but GUESS WHAT???? I'm going :D It makes me so happy.

I need to get out of this town.  I need to get out of high school. I just keep telling myself just a few more months, then you'll be on the other side of the country......

More updates from me later.  I'm sorry that this is such a boring post, but my sister will be home any minute now, so I need to log off.

Let me hear your voices.

Stay strong <3