Sunday, August 29, 2010


I woke up this morning, stumbled out of bed, and almost tripped over a pile of laundry and broke my neck.

Guess what guys???? It's a cleaning day!!! My parents are coming home tonight, and I gotta make the house cleaner, because right now it's driving me insane. If I had my druthers, my house would always be neat and organized. Unfortunately, my mom and my sister are absolutely CRAZY and if I tried to always keep the house clean, I would do nothing except clean up after those two. I'm sorry, but that's not exactly how I like to live life. So, usually I keep my little corner of the house spotless, and then I let other people in the house take care of their own mess. That means letting everything pile up everywhere, basically, so I usually just have to leave my house a lot when it gets like this. Now, it's just unacceptable, so I'm going to clean it!

I hope that little rant about my home-life wasn't too boring/confusing.

Anyhoo, the bright side about cleaning my house is that I am so busy cleaning everything up that I just forget to eat. It's awesome.

Yesterday I went for a long walk, and I ended up running home because I couldn't stand the thundering drum of my thighs banging together any longer. It wasn't good. I wish I could just fast-forward to skinny, so that my thighs no longer fight over the limited amount of space between them.

Let me hear your voices.

Starve on, lovies. Stay strong <3

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